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Safety management

For INNOGEO, the health and safety of its staff is of the foremost importance. That is why specific procedures have been implemented:
  • The director and the management staff are committed to making health and safety their priority.
  • An up-to-date, comprehensive risk assessment inventory
  • Safety procedures and instructions
  • Setting up of a prevention plan for each project
  • Safety meetings are routinely organised, especially at the beginning of an intervention.
  • Staff training for work in the conventional and in the nuclear sectors.

Conventional sector: in-company first aider (Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail); electrical hazards; mechanical
hazards; chemical hazards; how to erect, use, and inspect a scaffolding; safety harness

Nuclear sector: HN2,  PR1 (CR / CC ..)

INNOGEO’s goal is to get a certification for its health and safety management system.